
Transition Services

What is Transition Planning Support?

Transition is any movement from one situation to another (for example;  hospital to home, home to school, school to college, pediatric care to adult medical care and possibly living alone). It is important to know the transition tools and resources available, especially for individuals with specific needs.

The journey into adulthood for an individual with specific needs is often filled with challenges. Families with individuals who have specific needs may deal with various transition issues.

We strive to empower students toward successful futures!

At Full Circle of Support, we create partnerships for success throughout the transition process to help each student reach their post-secondary goals. Our Transition Framework provides a person-centered, holistic approach to transition planning.

This includes developing college readiness and/or employment readiness and self-determination skills of the student while simultaneously supporting the parent/caregiver’s ability to help their student develop an actionable transition plan for a bright future.

Whether the student is transitioning to adulthood or transitioning to a new setting, our innovative transition planning support is individualized, collaborative, reflective, and respectful of all relationships within the circle of support, and will help each student successfully transition.

Our Post-Secondary Transition Planning Support Services include:

  • Educational Evaluations, Transition Assessments, and Career and Interest Inventories
  • Resource Mapping
  • Goal Setting (SMART) Connected to the Bigger Picture and/or Post-Secondary Goals
  • Connecting resources and services to support a seamless and successful transition

 Essential College Coaching 

We provide individualized in-person and online college coaching designed to provide practical & customized strategies to support students as they transition to college, focusing on essential executive function skills to help them successfully navigate their new world; organization, planning, prioritizing, time management, and effective study strategies with weekly check-ins.

As school and life become more demanding for our students, we use their real-life demands to teach them strategies and skills to be more effective and productive, helping them find their unique pathway to success!

Self-Advocacy  and Self-Determination Skills Development

  • Empowering students to participate in their own decision-making
  • Demystifying accommodations
  • Improving self-determination skills and increasing understanding of preference
  • Instruction and support in goal setting
Transition Services

We provide a holistic student-centered approach that provides each student with the types and intensities of information, services, and resources they need to identify, select, and progress on the best pathway to achieve their educational and career goals.

Holistic student support meets each student where they are developmentally, addresses their individual needs, leverages their strengths, and focuses on student learning and development.

Our goal is to help students develop the strategies and skills to successfully navigate the complicated systems and processes of school transition, college, and post-secondary community navigation, and connect students and their families to a wide range of support and opportunities.