
Individualized Instruction, Tutoring and Coaching

Individualized Literacy Instruction and Study Skills Tutoring and Coaching

We work one-on-one with students to build individually designed intervention and learning acceleration programs. We utilize a comprehensive framework for instruction and intervention grounded in evidence-based research in learning.  We provide explicit, systematic, one-on-one, and small group instruction and opportunities for supported practice in Literacy, academic areas, study skills, and foundational executive functions skills necessary for effective learning, such as; organization, planning, time-management, self-monitoring, note-taking, study habits, and attention, including:

  • One-on-One and Small Group Structured Literacy Tutoring
  • One-on-one and Small Group Study Skills Tutoring and Executive Function Skills Coaching
  • Summer Reading Groups
  • K-12 Academic and College Readiness Coaching with Check-in and progress monitoring
  • Reading Success Plan Support
  • Transition planning Support
Grade Level Reading

Our Comprehensive Structured Literacy Tutoring Program

Your child’s ability to read is a critical predictor of educational and lifelong success!

Our individualized literacy tutoring program is aligned with state standards and utilizes a framework of evidence-based effective literacy instruction and support (SOR) and utilizes high-leverage practices designed to engage each student while directly and systematically teaching the structure of the English language with a certified reading specialist trained in the Wilson Reading Systems and Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling.   We build the strategies and skills for our students to become purposeful, fluent readers and communicators to excel in life.

The FCS literacy framework focuses on the key components of high quality, aligned, explicit, systematic instruction, strategies, support, and enrichment, guided by meaningful assessments, and intentional progress monitoring to develop strong foundational skills in:

  • Phonemic awareness
  • Phonics
  • Fluency
  • Vocabulary
  • Spelling
  • Writing
  • Comprehension

At Full Circle of Support, our individualized literacy instruction framework is based on an understanding of both typical reading development and the possible factors that may disrupt this process. Intervention is directed toward removing the specific barriers preventing the student from making “typical” reading progress.

Our Early Literacy, Reading Success Program: 

The FCS Reading Success Program provides a proactive instructional approach used to reduce the likelihood of future reading problems by addressing severe and persistent difficulties with learning to read through the use of evidence-based instruction in one-on-one and smaller-group settings, increased instructional time, and increased intensity that is aligned to individual student needs and is guided by ongoing student progress monitoring data using a valid assessment tool.


Our Study Skills Tutoring and Executive Function Skills Coaching Program

Individualized support for Success in the classroom and beyond:

Using current school challenges, We work with our students to identify, employ, and evaluate effective tools and strategies to address their specific needs in the areas of, organization, planning, prioritizing, time management, self-monitoring, note-taking, active reading, and effective study habits. We also provide a weekly check-in to assess progress and help our students build habits that will last a lifetime

As a Certified Reading Specialist and Special Educator, FCS Founder, Anne Castro witnessed a persistent barrier among exceptional learners who struggled with common executive function Skills. She knew that the key to helping students thrive included tutoring and support beyond specific subject areas.  Through our study skills tutoring and executive function skills coaching, we help students build the necessary skills to effectively manage work demands and their personal lives, and become more effective learners for life!

We Offer: 

  • Private Tutoring
  • In-person or Online and hybrid Sessions
  • Small Group Tutoring and Coaching Options (4:1)
  • Individualized Evaluations and Progress Monitoring
  • Interagency Collaboration and wrap-around support